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Messe: Solar Turkey in Istanbul

Istanbul, die berühmte Hauptstadt der Türkei ist Veranstaltungsort einer Solarenergiemesse für einen großen Zukunftsmarkt. Denn der nahe Osten verfügt einerseits über viele Sonnenstunden im Jahr und andererseits über eine weit entwickelte Infrastruktur. Und viele internationale Investoren sehen im türkischen Markt sehr gute Wachstumschancen und eine sichere Möglichkeit der Geldanlage für ihre Investitionen, jetzt auch im Bereich Erneuerbare Energien.


Grand Cevahir Hotel amp; Convention Center
Darülaceze Cad.
Okmeydanı Şişli


30.09-01.10 2010




Why is renewable energy a key growth industry and of strategic importance to Turkey?What are the global solutions for climate change?

How do Climate Change and Energy Policies converge?

How should Industrial amp; Economic Policies converge with Energy Policy? What can governments do to support this revolution and what are effective policies?

How can Government improve the energy intensity of the Turkish economy?

How does regional geopolitics, energy markets and trade impact upon the development of the renewable energy industry?

  What is outlook for the domestic Turkish Renewable Energy Markets?

What are the main challenges for the Turkish renewable industry?What barriers currently remain and does the future see these problems improving?Identifying


opportunities in

clean energy

projects What is the interest from different regions in Turkey?How can the private sector be incentivised to further develop Turkey’s position in the global renewable energy market? How can Turkey develop some export markets for renewable energy technologies?


  • How does the government envision Turkey as a major player in the global solar industry?
  • How does the status of the solar industry compare to that of other renewable energies in Turkey?
  • Discussion of projections for both domestic and utility scale projects
  • What are the main challenges for the Turkish solar industry?
  • To what extent will solar power assist Turkey in achieving self sufficiency?
  • What potential is there for export markets?

Policy Developments in the Turkish Solar Market

  • The impact on the solar sector of the amendments to the renewable energy legislation in Turkey
  • Proposals for feed-in-tariffs and their potential impact on the solar sector
  • What are current policies surrounding land-use and permitting issues and do they need to change?
  • What is the status of legislation for solar installation on both residential and commercial properties?
  • What can Turkey learn from experiences in other European countries and the US?

Solar Business Strategies in Turkey

  • The type and level of domestic expertise in the Turkish solar market
  • Turkey as a manufacturing base versus the import of technologies from China and Taiwan
  • The level of investment going in to research and development
  • Local companies developing solar projects: who are the key players?
  • What strategies are international companies using to break in to the Turkish market and how successful are they being?
  • Turkey-international cooperation and where the benefits are


Finance and Investment

  • The investment environment and interest in the Turkish solar sector
  • Local and international sources of investment available?
  • What do different investors look for in a project, company or technology and which are most attractive?
  • Options for overcoming gaps in investment
  • Long term debt financing: why are financiers holding back and when will they get involved?
  • What projections do investors have for the next 5 years?

Residential amp; Commercial Solar Installations

  • The support of the local authorities for both PV and solar thermal
  • Examination of the uptake of rooftop installations across the country: which regions are most favourable and why?
  • Incentives available to homeowners and businesses
  • The development of district heating and cooling plans
  • Net metering and grid connectivity issues: Where are we now in Turkey?
  • Technology development for optimal performance in the Turkish market
  • What can be learnt from other European countries with higher uptake of residential and commercial solar power?

Large Scale PV and CSP Projects

  • Which regions are attracting the most interest for potential for solar parks
  • What pilot and demonstration plants are in operation and when are commercial operations expected?
  • What projections are there for large scale PV versus CSP in Turkey?
  • Decision criteria in PV technology choices: Silicon wafer, thin film and PV
  • Decision criteria in CSP technology choices: parabolic troughs, tower, linear fresnal, dish/engine
  • Considerations in tracking systems
  • Strategies to decrease development times and costs
  • Case studies

Utility Perspectives

  • How does solar energy feature in the renewable programs of utility companies in Turkey?
  • What do they look for in a solar project?
  • What type of PPAs have been drawn up?
  • Will Turkish utilities look to own their own solar projects as has been seen in the US?
  • What can be learnt from utility strategies abroad?
  • How will utility scale solar develop over the coming years?
  • Is there competition and an appetite from international utilities?

Transmission amp; Storage 

  • What are the key issues in connecting to the grid system?
  • Which are the most important transmission corridors to be upgraded?
  • The potential for international transmission
  • How can issues in financing new transmission lines be overcome?
  • How can market players coordinate to tackle these issues?
  • Movement from private to state owned transmission and the impact this will have
  • The selling of the grid to private companies and the impact that this will have on the sector
  • Conditions of the grid across the country and its capacity

Turkish Renewable Energy Industrial Development
With the Global Clean Energy Industry growing to a $200bn industry in 2009 - how can Turkey further develop this critical industrial sector and what opportunities are there in the surrounding regions and the development of export markets?

Globalization, Climate Change, Governments  and the Clean Energy Revolution
gt; The Road Ahead
This session will look at how high energy prices, fuel security issues, population growth, growing energy demand,  increasing technology innovation, increasing pollution and clear signals of climate damage are all leading towards a Turkish energy revolution.