With address, personal and company data at home and abroad from plant manufacturers to project planners, planners, component suppliers, financial and legal service providers to certification companies. In German and English, it is an indispensable reference work for many investors and operators.
✓ Print run 3,000 copies
✓ Display and distribution at trade fairs and events in the DACH region and abroad in 2022
✓ Subscription bonus for new subscribers to our trade magazine
✓ Distribution to advertisers and subscribers to our magazine
✓ Retail sale
Date of publication: December 13th, 2021
Closing date for advertisements and companyentries: November 15th, 2021
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We recommend that you provide PDF/X-3 data. The file has to be printable therefore all fonts used must be embedded. Halftone images require a resolution of 300 dpi; Line art needat least 600 dpi. Logos please as pdf, eps,tif, jpg In 300 dpi resolution.
Ilona Adomat
Phone: +49-5139 / 895757